StarCraft Helm's Deep v. Annatar 13.37 Strategy Guide
Haldir's Elves
- Send Aragorn towards gate 2. Hotkey him as 1. Go up to your special ability and hotkey your probe as 3 then hotkey your upgrade building (forge) as 2.
- Place your temporary beacon blocking the ladders to stop brown from using them early.
- Block saruman's mass from getting though gate 2 by holding positon at the top of the stairs.
- Keep gorn selected whenever possible paying attention to your hit points.
- Stay in front of Rohan's and Haldir's units. You are a meatshield, you can take a lot of damage because of your high armor.
- Heal when you get into yellow or red. Try to heal between masses or when someone else can cover your spot.
- Kick down ladders on the wall when possible by standing up above them.
- Use your special ability if you are dying and can't get back to the heal. Conserve it for emergencies. Your special recharges a small percentage for every kill you get.
- Your special heals you then creates explosions around you for about 10 seconds killing any enemy underlings.
- Look out for heroes, if saruman gets close move back to avoid being holo trapped.
- Avoid being completely surrounded by the mass so you can escape quickly when needed.
- Brown may try to use the suicidal uruk-hai (infested terran) to bomb you, especially if you are bunched up with other heroes. Try not to stay bunched up and warn others if you see the sui coming.
- Snaga (brown's hero zergling) is your worst enemy. Keep an eye out for him He can kill you in seconds and you can not take him 1 on 1 without specialing.
- Upgrade your armor first. Upgrade it until your total armor equals the uruk-hai with heavy armor (infested kerrigan) attack damage. After this upgrade attack.
- If your armor starts at 30 and the kerries attack for 45 upgrade your armor until you get to 15 so your total is 45, then start upgrading your attack. The underlings will only do a half damage to you and you will have to heal less frequently. The firebats have 50 attack but actually do 25 damage with 2 flames. So you do not need extra armor for them.
- Send Gimli towards gate 2. Hotkey him as 1. Go up to your special ability and hotkey your probe as 3 then hotkey your upgrade building (engineering bay) as 2.
- Place your temporary beacon blocking the ladders to stop brown from using them early.
- Block saruman's mass from getting though gate 2 by holding positon at the top of the stairs.
- Be careful not to hurt friendly units. Firebats do splash damage which hurts your teamates.
- Keep gimli selected whenever possible paying attention to your hit points.
- Stay in front of Rohan's and Haldir's units. You are a meatshield, you can take a lot of damage because of your high armor.
- Heal when you get into yellow or red. Try to heal between masses or when someone else can cover your spot.
- Kick down ladders on the wall when possible by standing up above them.
- Use your special ability if you are dying and can't get back to the heal. Conserve it for emergencies and killing enemy heroes and tanks. Your special recharges a small percentage for every kill you get.
- Your special heals you then kills any underlings directly around you and creates 4 dwarven mights (broodlings) that last for about 15 seconds.
- If there is an opening use your special to attack enemy heroes and tanks.
When you special make sure you move gimli
out of harms way as you control your broodlings.
- If saruman is swarming you can send your special into the swarm to kill anything in it or drive him out of it and force him to waste precious time regaining energy for another dark swarm.
- When attacking tanks wait until they seige if possible. Seiged tanks can't run away as easily.
- Look out for heroes, if saruman gets close move back to avoid being holo trapped.
- Avoid being completely surrounded by the mass so you can escape quickly when needed.
- Brown may try to use the suicidal uruk-hai (infested terran) to bomb you, especially if you are bunched up with other heroes. Try not to stay bunched up and warn others if you see the sui coming.
- Snaga (brown's hero zergling) is your worst enemy. Keep an eye out for him He can kill you in seconds and you can not take him 1 on 1 without specialing.
- Upgrade your armor first. Upgrade it until your total armor equals the uruk-hai with heavy armor (infested kerrigan) attack damage. After this upgrade attack.
- If your armor starts at 25 and the kerries attack for 45 upgrade your armor until you get to 20 so your total is 45, then start upgrading your attack. The underlings will only do a half damage to you and you will have to heal less frequently. The firebats have 50 attack but actually do 25 damage with 2 flames. So you do not need extra armor for them.
- Select your Uruk-Hai masser (observer) and send it to the Main Gate Hinge then hotkey it as 1 (hold shift and press 1)
- Select Saruman (hero high templar) and send him towards the Drainage Gate but out of range of the defenses and hotkey him as 3. Queue up a hold position command so when he arrives he will not move. Do this by holding shift and pressing h
- Do the same with Grima Wormtongue (defiler) and hotkey him as 2
- Do the same with your Uruk Elite Crossbowmen (dragoons) and hotkey them as 4
- Hotkey your Saruman's Elite Gaurds (ultralisks) as 5 and hold position on them where they are
- Around this time your observer should be past most of your underling army and towards the gate. Use your Uruk-Hai Messenger (defiler) to start massing your troops (move him up to the beacon). Hotkey they location as F2. (hold shift and press F2).
- Your heroes should be approaching the hinge at this time, micro them so saruman and wormtongue are in the front and dragoons are in the back. As you are doing this press F2 and keep massing your units until the observer is right in front of the main gate.
- When your heroes are in position in front of the hinge send saru to attack one of the hinges as you use wormtongue to lay a dark swarm in front of the hinge. Aim the dark swarm just to the left of the bones
- Send your dragoons into the swarm and hold position with them, close enough to attack the hinges.
- If white has zealots in the swarm send zerglings to kill them
- Send worm back above your heal and have him hold position on arrival
- After the hinges die send the dragoons and saru back above the heal and hold position with them. Heal them if they are injured.
- Move your observer directly over the great hall. You should be getting a new mass soon, as soon as you get a new mass use it. Your mass will clog up the stairs on both sides of the main gate hinge.
- Move saruman and wormtongue in position between your mass in front of the main gate with the dragoons behind. hold position on them all. Keep massing if your army respawns.You may have to micro some units from one side to the other to even it out depending on white's defenses.
- If heroes are on the stairs halucinate them with saruman to scare them off, or trap and kill them if they get too close. If a hero specials clone his special ability and use it to block the stairs. Run away with your heroes if the special breaks through.
- when your mass is fully blocking all the stairs use a dark swarm in front of the main gate with saruman to attack the main gate, be careful not to get too close to the firetraps. Move the worm back and hold position on it. Keep the dragoons back, they are used as a backup in case something goes wrong. Micro units as needed to keep the stairs clogged as saru kills the hinge. As soon as saru kills the gate take him back to the heal, you may have to micro your underlings to get saruman out. Keep your worm with saruman.
- Move your masser up to the keep warp so your mass splits more evenly.
- If white is slow to retreat his tanks micro your mass to attack them.
- Micro some of your mass to kill the traps and any units left on the wall
- Hotkey your tanks as 0 and use them in the middle to help kill defenses as your mass moves in. Target the bunkers and traps first.
- Move saruman, wormtongue, and the dragoons in beteween your mass. Use saru to clone any heroes that get too close Use your holos to trap heroes and kill them with dragoons and saruman. Have your ultralisks ready to help kill heroes and use swarms as necessary.
- After your mass busts through to hall move your tanks closer so they can kill any hall traps left and target the hall.
- Move all your heroes up to the hall and finish it using dragoons.
- Your observer should already be in perfect position to split your mass into the keep. Use saruman and wormtongue (make sure u have enough energy) to swarm and kill the keep gate hinge as your mass blocks the stairs. You will have to micro units to get saruman close enough to attack. Get wormtongue out or keep him there if you have enough for an emergency swarm. Once the hinge is dead micro saruman and the worm out. You will have to micro your mass.
- If for some reason you lost wormtongue you can use tanks to kill the hinge. Be careful to get them out of range of the turrets.
- If white doesn't have a defense setup just keep massing into it. When you have a good amount of units in you can ally white for a few seconds then unally so your mass surrounds the bunkers and kills them faster. If white has a defense up use tanks and your heroes with swarms to push through.
Uruk-Hai Commander
Early Rider of Rohan