Sharkbot is a auto-moderator and chat bot.
Sharkbot is a auto-moderator and chat bot.
Download the extension. Sharkbot works in Chrome and Opera.
Install and enable the extension then simply go to to start using it.
To manually install extensions go to chrome://extensions and enable developer mode. You can drag the extension onto that page to install it, make sure you enable it too.
join, !leave, !rouletteinfo
!shots, !candy, !fortune, !cookie, !8ball, !coinflip, !acronym, !gif, !fistmedaddy
!props, !propscunt
!dc, !dcinfo, !abuse
!eta, !link
!rules, !question, !staff, !op, !shuffle, !djcycleinfo, !commands, !dubtrack, !emoji, !fav, !guidelines, !illuminati, !ref, !rule8, !steam, !theme, !subinfo, !discord, !autowoot
ping me, stop pinging me
call me
who meh'd
!cycleon, !cycleoff
!autoskip, !longskip
!ban, !mute
!clearchat, !deletechat
!skip (theme, op, history, sound, nsfw, unavailable, fu)
!add, !remove, !swap
In order to use some features such as skipping songs and banning noobs sharkbot needs to be a staff member. He doesn't magically get special powers just because he's a bot. If you want sharkbot to be fully featured make him a manager or co-host.
Stuck Songs - skips any songs that bug out and get stuck after they should be done playing.
Overplayed - skips any songs on your playlist named "op".
Blacklisted - skips any songs matching the blacklist data located in advanced settings
Recently Played - any in the dj history
Long Songs - any songs over X minutes long
Enabled - sharkbot won't say anything if you have this disabled, not even command responses
Welcome Messages - welcomes people when they join the room
Frequent Messages - sharkbot will say things every X minutes based on Frequent Message Data in the advanced settings
Idle Room Messages - if no one says anything for a while sharkbot will say something
You can toggle different chat respones on and off here.
chat - general chat respones
command - bouncer and manager commands
definition - if you type "what is a X" sharkbot will look up X on and tell you what it is. For this to work you have to go to in the browser you're running sharkbot and accept the unsecure connection or whatever the browser prompts you to do.
laugh - laughs when other people do
greeting - thank you, you're welcome
rule - warns people about the rules
grammar - becomes a grammar nazi
ping - you can ask sharkbot to ping you every X minutes
skip - you can ask sharkbot to skip a song and he will if it has a lot of mehs
other - other stuff
fun - commands everyone can use like !candy and !dc
You can type !roulette to start a new roulette or have it automatically run every X minutes. Whoever wins gets put first in the DJ waitlist
If someone disconnects they can type !dc and get their spot back.
Will automatically warn and ban people if they keep spamming chat or the meh button.
If someone doesn't participate in chat every X minutes they'll be warned and removed form the waitlist. If they have autojoin on and keep joining without chatting they'll be banned for 15 minutes.
If you have another bot running you don't want sharkbot to interact with you can add them to this list.
You can set the time it takes sharkbot to read and type messages so he seems like a human. If you want him to instantly respond to everything set the values to 0.
The maximum frequency sharkbot will respond to these chat types in milliseconds. This prevents the bot from spamming, but you can set them to be lower or 0 if you don't care. Individual commands also have their own maximum frequencies in the messaging data.
You can customize, remove, and add messages and command by editing the messaging data. It is best to copy and paste this data and edit it in json or javascript editor. If you mess it up it may break the bot, but if you do you can always reset to default settings. You can check if you broke anything by opening your browser console (F12) and looking for errors.
sharkbot will post a comment from the youtube or soundcloud page and probably give you cancer
you can connect sharkbot to an external chat api, posts a json { user: userName, message: message } and expects a string as a response